Shape Your
Future Workforce

Unlocking career potential in a dynamic job landscape.

A vibrant collage of people representing diversity and uniqueness.
"I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people."

Lawrence Bossidy

Navigate with
Neyo AI

Your Guide in the Digital Learning Landscape.



Employer Branding

A strong employer brand is key to attracting top talent, according to 83% of employers.


Active Users

72% of recruiters face challenges in attracting suitable candidates.


Skills Shortage

Skills shortages could cost companies $8.5 trillion in unrealised annual revenues by 2030.


Hiring Costs

Companies with a strong employer brand see a 43% decrease in hiring costs.

Virtual Work Experience Hub

Cultivate your future workforce and pioneer virtual work experiences for aspiring professionals.

Step 1: Select campaign and create your Hub
Step 2: Digitise your workplace content
Step 3: Manage and track participants
Step 4: Recruit motivated participants
Hub programme creation page on the Myindustry Hub platform.

Interactive Career Pathways

Map out the landscape of potential careers for aspiring talent, giving them a virtual passport to the possibilities within your industry.

Task-Based Skill Development

Track and guide talent as they navigate through task-based learning experiences that highlight your industry's demands.

Amplify Brand Engagement

Through strategic brand engagement, we help you build and amplify career interest and loyalty.

Talent Discovery and Engagement

Identify and nurture emerging talent by providing realistic industry insights and opportunities for growth.

Accessible and Inclusive Opportunities

Provide every individual with the chance to gain valuable work experience, breaking down barriers of distance and accessibility.

Cultivating Industry Relationships

Lay the groundwork for strong professional networks by connecting talent with industry experts, opening doors for future opportunities.

Talent Solutions

Elevate your recruitment strategy with MyIndustry Hub's Talent Solutions, designed to connect you with the next wave of skilled professionals poised to make an impact.

Streamline your hiring process using our intuitive Neyo AI, cultivating a robust talent pipeline with ease.

Utilise MyIndustry Hub’s advanced talent search to filter for the most compatible candidates, ensuring a perfect fit for your company's needs.

Stay ahead in the talent race with MyIndustry Hub's real-time analytics, offering deep insights into talent trends and candidate behaviours.

A woman focused on creating her Myindustry Hub profile.

Shape Your Industry's Future

Be a part of shaping the trends and talents that define the future of your industry.